Saturday, June 20, 2009

Some dates:
June 26th: I'll post discussion questions for Books 3 and 4 of Death Comes for the Archbishop.
July 3: Kelly will post discussion questions for Books 5 and 6.
July 10: Kelly will post discussion questions for Books 7, 8 and 9.
August 1: We'll start a new book... to be announced soon.

Some questions:
What do you think about the club's format?
Do you wish that we would discuss the book in one shot at the end of a month instead of breaking it up?
We think that we will choose a book bimonthly instead of monthly. What do you think?

Some things to think about:
Don't forget that you can to post your own discussion questions at any time.
That's all. Really just one thing to think about, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. I love trying a book club online. The format seems great to me. Do I wish that we would discuss the book in one shot? Maybe it would be worth a try only because with the book being broken up I don't feel the pressure and I think "I can catch up later" and then I don't. Shame on me, although I hope my experience this month is atypical, what with a move and all. I think bimonthly is an interesting thought.
