Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Question 3

This question is from the author's website.

Did it bother you that Skeeter is willing to overlook so many of Stuart's faults so that she can get married, and that it's not until he literally gets up and walks away that the engagement falls apart?


  1. What I think is strange is that Skeeter didn't bother informing Stuart of her position knowing that the previous girlfriend was dropped for having the same position. She was being either very naive or very selfish on that count.

    Hmmm, I didn't give much thought to Stuart one way or the other. Did you all think he was awful?

  2. OK, so I'm really regretting that I don't have a copy of the book in front of me anymore. I hope you'll all bear with me and my answers. I usually like to do a little fact-checking of my own thoughts. But now I'm going from memory... and, well, that's not exactly a good thing!

    So, Stuart: For me, I think I felt for Stuart exactly what the author intended to me to feel (so, kudos to Kathryn Stockett, I guess).

    At first, I felt excited for Skeeter and that a handsome boy was interested in her. What does this say about me?! I wanted the book to get published, for there to be no negative consequences for the maids and for Skeeter to get both the job and the boy. In short, I wanted it all.

    I think what's awful about Stuart is that he blows one of my theories (darn it!)... And that theory is that education broadens the views and changes the values of the characters. At least, that's what I thought happened to Skeeter (and maybe it's still true in her case). What separated Skeeter from her peers, and (I thought) made a difference in how she saw the world and the people in it was her college experience. But going away to college didn't do that for Stuart. So, duh, I guess education isn't the perfect antidote for racism.

  3. The whole "first date he's a jerk then he comes back apologizing with a reasonable explanation" thing is completely cliche - and I liked it. I wanted Skeeter to get her man and I wanted Stuart to support her ideals and her work. I was confused about why she wasn't honest with him when she knows he won't share her feelings. Though from all descriptions it sounds like Stuart was an easy in at the Handsome Men's Club and this might have had something to do with it. Never underestimate what it feels like to have the attention of a ridiculously good looking person.

  4. Favorite quote so far in this discussion.... "Never underestimate what it feels like to have the attention of a ridiculously good looking person." Seriously Kelly.... that is awesome (and beyond true)!

    Anyway, still in the middle of the book so I will hurry to finish and post to what I can thus far!

  5. Yes, and in some ways Skeeter's education did not keep her from being insecure about men. I, too, bought into the reasonable explanation Stuart gave.

    Didn't it seem like Stuart would have been more openminded about race if his father's career wasn't on the line? That boy was between a rock and a hard spot.

  6. I've tried to come up with a well thought out answer to this one and I just keep coming back to the same conclusion....

    "Never underestimate what it feels like to have the attention of a ridiculously good looking person."

    Why re-invent the wheel??? :) (Seriously, this is like the catch-all of explanations.)

    Thanks again Kelly, been laughing all week.

  7. Okay, so I may be jumping the gun, perhaps more questions are to come but I just wanted to jot down some notes on a few more things that were of consequence to me from this novel and to see your thought on them.

    #1- pg. 157

    "Hilly raises her voice about three octaves higher when she talks to colored people. Elizabeth smiles like she's talking to a child, although certainly not her own. I am starting to notice things."

    I just thought this was so interesting for two reasons. First, so lame and so true that some people cannot control showing how they feel about someone because it escapes in their tone of voice..... oh man I need to be careful of this. It is like one of those things that you think are masking but to others it can be soooo obvious. Second, I think it is so neat that these things never really bothered Aibileen until the idea was put in her head that what she thought mattered and that how she was treated mattered and that somebody out there told her that she deserved to let this story of hers be told. It just must have felt very liberating and freeing to have someone validate her as a human being that way and so interesting to see how it starts to change her outlook and the things she notices in life.

    #2 pg. 202

    When Aibileen is walking into the clubs swimming pool.

    "The part of my hair get to burning, then itching, but I can't scratch at it cause both hands is full then whoo! somebody blow out the flame."

    This was just awesome. I just love it when an writer is able to describe some random experience that I have totally had and put it into words that you feel like saying "YES! that is totally it... I have totally felt that before and just never sat and tried to describe." Anyway, when reading that I just knew exactly what that feeling is like when the sun is like frying the top of your scalp, like it is burning a hole through your head. Anyway, random but loved the imagery.

    #3. Pg. 209 Jessup

    "What I want to know is," he say slow, angry, "what we plan to do about it."

    What are your thoughts on how this relates to/sums up youth? did it sum up youth to you?

    Overall, really enjoyed the read. Skeeter was once cool, bad-a, before her time chick to me.... I love a girl with guts and a mind to be who she is.... eventually (I mean of course she was a little twitterpaited and we'll give her a break on that one :)

    I also loved the friendship of Minny and Ailbeen. Sometimes your friends don't come void of baggage and struggles. Sometimes you have to prove your friendship through being there for them in the not so fun times and just dig in and get in there and help when its messy.

    Lastly, I echo others sentiments that I kinda "wanted it all" when it came to all the things I just wanted to work out. Bummed about Stuart, sounds like a waste of a pretty face. Always fun to see the smart, nice, low-maintence girl get the hot prestigious boy, but alas.

    Can't wait for our next book!!! (sarcasm is hard to show via the web. Trust me, however, it is there.)

  8. I'm so sad I missed all the discussion on this book! I read it a while ago and liked it muy macho (that's from Aladdin). Anyway, thanks for your comments and input. I'll participate more actively next time, I promise.

    PS. I LOVE having the attention of a ridiculously good looking person. I would never underestimate it :)
