Monday, November 9, 2009

Blink Discussion: Project Implicit

Click here for Project Implicit, the Harvard survey tool discussed in Blink (p. 77) that correlates your preferences using timed tests. Each test takes about 10 minutes.

What do you think of the test? Do you think your answers were biased due to "priming", a concept mentioned on p. 52?

I was hoping for the race test that bothered Malcolm Gladwell so much (and would probably bother me), but I was given a test related to discipline preferences. I will say that no wonder I have cognitive dissonance as a mother because I am a strict mom, yet the test said I have a strong association to "Nurturing"!


  1. That was fun!

    For me, it turns out that I've been voting correctly all these years because I do indeed have a strong automatic response as a conservative Republican. Bahaha!

    I want to take the discipline one! Oh dear, I fear some internet time-suckage coming on.

  2. It was fun, although I panicked a little when they asked for my ACT scores.

  3. Really? I never got asked for those... or I skipped it? Plus, what the heck were they? That was a REALLY long time ago.
