Sunday, July 26, 2009

Well, fellow readers, it's time to choose a new book!

This time around we've decided to put out three choices for your consideration. You can review the books outlined below and vote on the sidebar. (Of course, feel free to comment in the comment section as well, if you wish.)

For this reading, we will not break the book up into sections for review. Instead we will open a discussion once at the end of August. (It is possible, however, that the discussion at that time will have multiple threads to facilitate conversation on different aspects of the book.)

One thing we have really appreciated so far is book suggestions. If we haven't used your suggestion, it's most likely being considered for future use in the club. So, please take heart and keep making suggestions!

Also, even though three different people wrote the book summaries... please don't feel like you're voting for a person rather than a book. We're not taking book votes personally. (I don't even know if that needed to be said... but I said it.)

Alright then, go vote! I can't wait to see what the masses crave!

(What? Three people can't be considered a "mass"?... Oh, stop it. Just let me dream.)


  1. Interesting. I had a hard time choosing which book to vote for, they all sound interesting. So when I voted and saw the results that we all have voted for the same book so far... what does that mean? I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't voted yet, but I just thought that was curious. Guess I know which book to reserve at the library.

  2. You know, I probably shouldn't say anything either (for the sake of those who have not yet voted).... But "So Long, See You Tomorrow" was the book Kelly and I had originally slated to read next, that is, before we decided to give some power to the people and put additional choices out there... So, it's funny to see that it is looking like the book that will prevail in the end!

    Anyway, we'll see how the next couple of days go... but, I agree with you... It may be time to put my bid in online for a copy! Ha!

    (Someday I'm going to make you guys read Cat's Cradle. I need help with that one. And it's a really fun read!)

  3. I was also drawn to "So Long, See You Tomorrow" - I guess it was the description of the exciting (and gruesome) beginning that captured me! Let the reading begin.

    And for a future suggestion: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows.

  4. For the record, I missed the poll and I would have chosen Cat's Cradle. Sounds like all are winners! I will reserve my book, also.
