Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Historical fiction is hugely popular... but how about reading about long ago in a book that was written, um, long ago? Modern historical fiction seems to take into account our modern sensibilities. This is not a criticism; just an observation. "A Town Like Alice" is an interesting read -- forward-thinking and retro at the same time. It cannot take into account any of our modern sensibilities, but somehow manages to pull just that off in places. Other times, you will find it absolutely necessary to put happenings and attitudes into context.

Let's talk about it... Read along with me. 

"A Town Like Alice" is a book about an extraordinary ordinary girl that is perfect for bookish ones. And, hey, it even made BBC's Big Read Top 100 Books.

Come visit Alice with me. Check back for discussion around November 15th.


  1. I'm so in. I love this book and have missed bookish girls in my life. Here's to november 15th!! Can't wait for discussion time.

  2. At least you made good use of the last year since we read (attempted to read?) anything. How's the new baby? :)

  3. All pleasure is deferred until I hit my thousand. Hopefully I will soon, then catch up on housework, then read this book with you. ;)

  4. why is this not at the library? I am ready to read.

  5. Sorry! It might be because my non-virtual book club is also reading it this month. We will finish up with it shortly, and before we address the book on this blog... but another option is borrowing my copy, which I'm happy to lend. :)
