Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Bookish Breather

Next month we'll gather 'round to vote on something new to read...

But I'm giving fair warning that a little later this year Kelly and I will become dictators for a selection that guarantees to turn us all into bookish women.

OK, wait... that makes it sounds a little like we're going to become call girls in horn-rimmed glasses.

I mean more that it will be a challenging read. And by challenging I mean lengthy and written by this woman right here:
And does this woman look like she fools around?

OK, again. That sounded a little suggestive. I mean more that she's serious.

But cool.

Look at that hat. How can you not want to read a long novel written by a Russian-American woman wearing that hat?

You do. Trust me.


  1. I had to throw in that she's Russian because... well, you may know that I have a history with Russian novelists.

  2. But it's all going to be different this time!

  3. It all has to do with Russian winters, it was to cold too go outside for nine months of the year and they needed something other than drink vodka to keep themselves reading extremely long novels. All of which display the characteristics of winter, you know depressing!

    But you're right this will be different, although not in the length manner.

  4. While in outer appearance she may not seem like the life of the party.... the hat intrigues and makes me think there is something there.

    Count me in on the journey with you towards a positive Russian writer relationship.


  5. Melissa, I am ready for the unveiling! Let's do this! Sorry I missed the Christmas book. I did not even clue in to that and only checked back in January. I'm ready to hear what is next on the docket.

  6. Oh, it's true, it's true... we're delinquent! Kelly and I had pow-wowed earlier this week... but work, new callings and adorably chubby babies with wretched ear infections have conspired against us. (And my poor little nephew with the terrible ear too, of course.) But we're going to do our best to get some choices up tomorrow. We promise!
    p.s. I'm so glad you're still here! :)
