Thursday, September 3, 2009

Do you think Fern is a sympathetic character? Maxwell notes, "Other people see that [she]...perhaps expects more of life than is reasonable" (p. 71). Do you agree with this observation? What exactly are reasonable expectations in life?


  1. No, I don't think she's sympathetic at all, at least not to me. Lisa, Larisa and I were at the pool talking about the book (wish you were there!) and Larisa brought up how the author gives us Lloyd's point of view, but not Fern's. I hadn't even thought about it and I think it's interesting. I think we learn a lot about Fern, even without it... And if I knew more, I might like her even less.

    I think what would have been "reasonable" for Fern would be to have listened to Tom and to have made less impulsive and less reactionary choices for herself.

    I don't like Fern.

    (Gosh, are my feelings about Fern too subtle? Because I'm doing everything I can to not use the words "dirty whore" here.)

    (p.s. I'm really glad I was able to refrain from using the words "dirty whore".)

  2. Very very unsympathetic character, even when she says, "I am the most miserable woman in the world."

    There is no defense.

  3. The only time I felt a little sympathy for her was during the trial ... apparently Tom had a little temper problem (e.g., when he smacked Cletus for saying his mom was going to do exactly what his dad had asked her not to do). Even though we didn't see examples of it in the book, maybe she had to deal with some abuse? Or maybe not. Either way, that doesn't really justify her dirty whore actions (there, I said it just for Melissa). But it was a different time almost 100 years ago ...

  4. The funny part of that example of temper from Tom is that you could possibly say that Tom was defending Fern in that moment, i.e. keeping Cletus from inferring that Fern was manipulative or vindictive.

    I would say that I had no pity for Fern except at the beginning when I knew nothing of her. What a strange resolution for Cletus to spend his youth with a mother who created these difficulties. I may have even had some sympathy if she had appeared to fight Lloyd's advances, but none was shown.

    The trial of Tom really scared me. Here were these random anger things that would have been hidden in a normal circumstance, but they were significant enough to implicate him instead of Fern. Tom was probably mystified.

    The scenario reminds me of myself and what my faults are that will keep me from future opportunities. It also reminds me of a current tragedy that I am following. I am friends with the mom of this person who has a great traffic record, a great family and a great history of service, but by virtue of driving a truck on this certain road on this certain day, finds himself facing prison time. He and his family are totally mystified at his circumstance, also.

    So much is out of our control at times.
